H2 Compact CNC Controller
(4D, compact bipolar, micro-step stepping motor controller)

NEW! Special Version (with E2)!

Modify: kedd, 2010. április 20.

H2 Compact Controller is the 4D CNC controller of H2 PCB, which is a case-mounted, ready-made complete controller with power supply unit and active cooling system. All of its specifications and adjustments are the same as those of the PCB version. This is a real all-in-one type controller.

Main technical features:

- Step/Dir system, controlled through the LPT port, stepping motor controller,
- 4D (with 4 motors), compact build-up,
- 2-phase, bipolar, micro-step motor control,
- Micro-step values, selected by jumpers: 1; 1/2; 1/8; 1/16,
- Power-output with maximum 3.5A DC for each motor,
- Mixed mode current decay with PWM regulation,
- Motor Power: 160VA, 30V DC,
- Silent holding path operating mode,
- Maximum 100kHz stepping frequency,
- Software controllable motor-rest,
- 4-range, jumperable, motor current regulation,
- 5 input ports (prepared to use end position and digitallable switches),
- 1 relay output (one-pole, maximum load 230V, 3A),
- 2-bit TTL expansion port,
- Build-up that needs only one power supply voltage (with integrated switching digital power supply),
- Protection against overheating,
- Installed Fan cooling,
- Two-sided, partly SMD PCB

CNC control softwares that can be used:

- Mach3 CNC (Win2000, XP) [recommended],
- TurboCNC (DOS),
- WinPC-NC (XP),
- CNCGraf (DOS),
- JediCut,
- CeNeCe,
- Stealth Plane Works: FoamCutter,
- etc.

The information about putting the unit into operation, its specification, detailed description and further information can be found in the description of H2 PCB. Please read it carefully before doing anything.



Additional information:

The controller contains the power supply unit enough for the highest demand and the active cooling system. The air stream goes from the bottom toward the top, so it is not recommended to close the unit (strengthening the so-called chimney effect). All the adjusting devices, displays and connection are available on the front and back-side of the case, their arrangement and function are the same as those of PCB version, so its description can be used during putting operation the unit.

(Micro-Step, current jumpers and status LEDs)

(Motors, Inputs, Outpus and Expansion port in socket)

The addition E1 can be used from outside of the case, the addition E2 can be built-in.

H2 Compact Special

Build in E2 Pulse Generator without restriction! Usable all port (Expansion, input, relay)! Two mode available: normal and foam cutter.

(New pulse generator Status LED)

Normal mode (Mach3, WinPC-NC, TurboCNC, etc.):

(normal mode)

All Input port usable (exp: end switch, 3D pole, home switch, etc.).

Foam cutter mode (JediCut, Foamwork, CeNeCe, etc):

(Foam cutter mode)

Free usable inputs: 3 - 6 and disabled motor current rest fonction. Pulse generator default setup 12.3 kHz. Please see available Setup E2.