H1 Multi Axis CNC Controller
(6-axis, compact CNC controller)

Modified: kedd, 2009. szeptember 01.


(maximum build-up, in compact form)

Based upon H1 CNC Controllers, compact design CNC Controller suitable to control maximum 6 axes(6D)! The new Controller is featured with extraordinary freedom and power. The power supply with increased power is able to provide 2 pieces full build-up H1 CNC Controller with energy. These Controllers can be used with the help of Mach3 softwares in a wide variety of configurations.

H1 Promo videó (wmv, 4.66MB)

(Click to zoom in.)

The multi axes Controller is available in two versions:

1.   H1 Multi Axis 6D
2.   H1 Multi Axis 5D

Common technical specifications:

- 6-axis, current-controlling, unipolar stepping motor controller (see H1 CNC Controller),
- Conncted to LPT port, Step/Dir system (two-way),
- Half-step driving method, with acitive resonance reduction,
- Master - Slave modes,
- 330 VA power motor supply:

with DC 30V
10A continuous load

- 5VA digital power suplly, with a 230V filter:


- Active Coolings.

(H1 Multi Axis 6D)

Type characteristics:

1. H1 Multi Axis 6D:

- Capable to control 6 fully independent axes (6D),
- Using 2 LPT ports,
- Independent Master - Slave Controllers,
- 2 relay outputs,
- 10 Schmitt-trigger inputs.

Bit allocations:

(LPT port 1)
(LPT port 2)
Function: Place/Job: LPT pin number: Place/Job: LPT pin number:
Motors A Step 4 A Step 4
A Dir 5 A Dir 5
B Step 2 B Step 2
B Dir 3 B Dir 3
C Step 6 C Step 6
C Dir 7 C Dir 7
Output MILL Relay 14 MILL Relay 14
Inputs P7 1. 15 P7 1. 15
P7 2. 13 P7 2. 13
P7 3. 12 P7 3. 12
P7 4. 11 P7 4. 11
P7 5. 10 P7 5. 10
P7 6. (Common GND) - P7 6. (Common GND) -


To run the Controller 2 LPT ports are necessary!


By proper configuration the motor-side of the 6D System)

A Mach3 With the help of CNC controlling programmes several modes , e. g. fully independent 6D mode , or a mode in that 1 Slave axis [in Slave mode] can be connected to any Master axis can be realized:


(possibilities for synchronous driving)

Further information can be found in the description of Expander

2. H1 Multi Axis 5D

- 6 partly independent controlling possibility (5D),
- Using 1 LPT port,
- Internal Expander,
- Partly independent Master - Slave Controllers,
- 2 relay outputs,
- 5 Schmitt-trigger inputs.

Bit allocations:

Function: Place/Job: Configuration (LPT) pin number:
Master Controllers
A Step 4
A Dir 5
B Step 2 (fixed synchrone)
B Dir 3 (fixed synchrone)
C Step 6
C Dir 7
Slave Controller
A Step 16
A Dir 17
B Step 2 (fixed synchrone)
B Dir 3 (fixed synchrone)
C Step 8
C Dir 9
Master Controller
Mill Relay 14
Slave Controller
Mill Relay 1
Master Controller
P7 1. 15
P7 2. 13
P7 3. 12
P7 4. 11
P7 5. 10
P7 6. (közös GND) -


To run the Controller 1 LPT port is necessary.

The Slave-side LPT port connector and input terminals are not built (as they are superfluous).

The motor B of Master and Slave run in fixed synchrone mode (at the same time). The other motors are independent (5D), but they can be combined by a software (Mach3).

(5D bit-configuration example)

(synchronous driving possibilities)