H1 Compact CNC Controller
(all in one)

Modified: kedd, 2009. szeptember 01.


(H1 Compact CNC Controller)

Based upon H1 CNC Controller, compact design, 3 channel (with 3 motors) stepping motor controller. More detailed information about the H1 CNC Controller can be found here: H1 Controller! The controller contains all what is necessary for running of the motors.

H1 Promo video (wmv, 4.66MB)

(Pictures about the controller, click to zoom in)

Technical specifications:

- Full build-up 3D H1 CNC Controller, with forced cooling by fans;
- Contains a power supply (160 VA, 30V) for the motors, (max.load is 5A),
- and an independent digital power supply, with e filter for 230V.

(Compact design)

Information about installing, putting into operation and tuning of H1 CNC Controller can be foundat the description of H1 Controller! Read first this info, please.